Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging: 7 Tips to Fix the Error | 2024

If you see an “Aux switches temporarily unavailable battery charging” error, it means either the main/extra battery isn’t fully charged or can’t hold the charge well.

Keep in mind, though, there could be other reasons for the hiccup, like something sucking power or electrical gremlins.

If your car batteries are a couple of years old (like 2-3 years), you might see a message on your dashboard saying, “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging.” No worries, it’s just telling you that your primary or backup battery is acting up or not fully juiced.

Here’s how to fix it: Take your car for a spin for an hour or longer, or plug it in overnight with a charger. If that doesn’t work, it’s time for a battery test. If the batteries flunk the test, swap out both of them.

I’ll guide you through finding and fixing the problem, one step at a time. I’ll show you how if you ever need to change the batteries. 

Just keep reading until the end.

What Does the Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging Error Mean?

When your Jeep signals the presence of the “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging” error, it’s essential to delve into the intricacies of this message. This error suggests a disruption in the normal functioning of your Jeep’s electrical system, mainly related to the auxiliary battery and charging processes. 

Your Jeep has two batteries—one big guy for the engine and a smaller one for all the gadgets. Now, if that little battery goes kaput, your fancy switches and the auto stop/start thing might conk out. And every time you fire up your ride, the dashboard will nag you with a message like, “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging.”

If this keeps happening while cruising, you might get stuck somewhere. It usually means your battery is running on empty or the car’s brain is having a brain fart.

Uconnect, the car’s intelligent system, plays it safe by shutting down the non-essential stuff when the battery weakens. That’s why your Aux switches go on strike. Plus, your engine might take its sweet time starting in the mornings, and the auto stop/start feature might give up on stopping the engine because the battery is running low. Not cool, right?

What Are the Reasons for the “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging” Error? What Are the Solutions?

What Are the Reasons for the “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging” Error? What Are the Solutions?

Your Auxiliary Battery Is Going Out

The auxiliary battery is vital, providing power for various systems in your Jeep. Over time, batteries degrade, leading to diminished performance. Look for signs of a weakening auxiliary battery, such as slow cranking or dimming lights, and consider replacing it to restore optimal functionality.

If your primary or backup battery dies, you’ll see a message on your screen saying “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging” because there’s insufficient power.

The batteries with your device could be better and last longer, usually only 2-3 years, even less if it’s hot or cold. The main battery can even die because of the backup one. They’re connected in a way that they can drain each other.

Here’s what you should do: check the display’s voltage meter to ensure it’s at least 13.8 volts. Test your batteries separately if they aren’t brand new or ancient. If you do this at a shop, ask for the test results.

If you decide to replace them, go for the Genesis dual battery setup and charge them for three days with a Noco charger. When you disconnect the charger, it should show a green light, and the voltage should be 13.8 volts before you start using it.

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Faulty Alternator

A malfunctioning alternator can disrupt the charging process, affecting the auxiliary battery. Symptoms of a faulty alternator may include warning lights on the dashboard or issues with electrical components. If identified, replacing the alternator is crucial to ensure a consistent power supply to the battery.

The alternator is like the battery charger, ensuring the primary and extra batteries are powered up when driving. The alternator might be to blame if there’s an issue, like the “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging” error.

If the alternator is messed up or not doing its job, it won’t charge the batteries like it should. And you need those batteries to have a voltage above 12 volts to keep things running smoothly. So, before you go swapping out the batteries, take a look at the alternator. If it’s not pulling its weight, just changing the batteries won’t fix the problem – you’ll probably run into the same issue again.

Battery Low on Charge

Insufficient charge in the auxiliary battery is a common cause of the error message. Regularly check the battery’s charge level and use appropriate methods to maintain it within the recommended range. This proactive approach can prevent unexpected disruptions due to a low battery.

If you see the message “Auxiliary Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging,” it means your battery is running low. There are a few reasons for this. If you don’t use your Jeep every day or your drives are short, your battery might not be getting enough charge. 

Cold weather or a tired alternator can also be culprits. In Jeeps like JLs, Gladiators, and 4XEs, a safety feature temporarily cuts power to the aux switches in these situations.

To fix it, make sure your battery gets a full charge. Take a long drive or use a trickle charger. Keep an eye on your battery’s charge regularly to avoid this error happening again.

Your Jeep Has Electrical Issues

If your car’s extra power plug isn’t working, wiring problems could occur in your car’s electrical system. Several specific areas demand attention:

Check the Terminals

Battery terminals can accumulate corrosion, impeding a proper electrical connection. Regularly inspect and clean the terminals to ensure an unobstructed flow of power.

Make sure your battery cables are clean and securely connected to your battery.

Take a look at all the connections. If any of them are loose on the plus or minus side, just tighten them. This way, you won’t see the “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging” message.

Check the Fuses and Relays

Faulty fuses or relays can disrupt the electrical flow. Systematically examine these components, replacing any that show signs of damage or malfunction.

Sometimes, the relays act up. Just look at them, and if you spot any problems, fix them. And remember to replace any fuses that might have blown.

Check the Fuse Array

The fuse array is critical for safeguarding various electrical circuits. Thoroughly check the fuse array for damaged or blown fuses, addressing any issues detected.

Take a peek at your high amp fuse setup. 

If the N3 connector is kaput, your alternator isn’t juicing your batteries. That means you might end up in the same boat a few months later. If you swap out your batteries but don’t fix a blown high amp fuse, things seem fine temporarily, especially if you’ve got auto stop/start switched off.

Cold Weather

Cold temperatures can adversely affect battery performance. During winter, taking precautions such as using a battery warmer or ensuring the vehicle starts regularly is essential to prevent the battery from losing its charge.

If you see a message like “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging” when starting your car in the cold, don’t worry too much about a dead battery. It’s a safety measure. The car’s computer ensures enough power for the ignition to work correctly.

So, when it’s icy, the computer temporarily stops power to extra switches to save energy for starting the car. Once the battery has enough juice, those switches come back on.

As you drive, the alternator charges the battery, and the message disappears. But if you keep seeing this message while driving, it could be a more significant issue with the car that needs checking.

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You Don’t Drive Your Jeep Daily

Jeep batteries can experience parasitic draws when the vehicle is unused for extended periods. Implement strategies to maintain the battery’s health during inactivity, such as using a trickle charger or disconnecting the battery.

Let’s say you use your Jeep sparingly; sometimes, it sits idle for weeks. You might run into an issue with the battery. If it gets too low, your 4xe might show an error saying, “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging.”

If that happens, don’t worry. Grab an intelligent charger and juice up your batteries to total capacity. Unplug the battery, give it an hour, and then plug it back in. Bye-bye error message!

Here’s a nifty trick: use a tender on your car, especially if it’s not your daily ride. Pop it on the battery charger, and voila! No more error messages bothering you. Easy peasy!

You Have a Parasitic Draw

A parasitic draw occurs when specific electrical components continue to draw power even when the vehicle is turned off. Identify and address these draws to prevent unnecessary battery drain, which could trigger the “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging” error.

If your battery is malfunctioning, you should check a few things, especially if you’ve added cool extras like amp steps or extra lights. These things can sneakily drain your battery; even a tiny amount can mess things up.

Whether these extras are directly connected to your battery or hooked up through switches, it doesn’t matter when it comes to the battery drain issue. The computer can shut off the power through the controls to save starting power.

Remove these extras and see if the annoying error disappears. You can use a trickle charger to deal with the battery drain problem. And hey, if you’re getting an “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging” message on your 4xe because of those cool mods, consider upgrading to the Genesis Dual Battery Kit – it should stop those messages from bugging you.

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How Do You Charge the Jeep Auxiliary Battery So You Don’t Get the Aux Switches Not Working Error?

How Do You Charge the Jeep Auxiliary Battery So You Don’t Get the Aux Switches Not Working Error?

The following step-by-step guide ensures a seamless charging process:

1. Disconnect the BatteryBefore charging, disconnect the auxiliary battery to ensure safety and prevent electrical mishaps.
2. Choose the Right ChargerSelect a compatible charger designed for automotive batteries. Consider using an intelligent charger for optimal control over the charging process.
3. Connect the ChargerAttach the charger’s positive (red) clamp to the positive terminal of the auxiliary battery and the negative (black) clamp to a suitable ground.
4. Set Charging ParametersIf using an intelligent charger, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to set the appropriate charging parameters, such as voltage and charging mode.
5. Initiate ChargingStart the charging process and monitor the progress. Ensure the charger maintains a steady charge without overloading the battery.
6. Monitor CompletionOnce the charging process is complete, disconnect the charger, reconnect the battery, and ensure all connections are secure.

Answers To Key Questions:

Can you charge a Jeep auxiliary battery?

Yes, Jeep auxiliary batteries can be charged using the vehicle’s charging system. Ensure proper functioning and consider a battery isolator for efficient charging.

Why is my battery not charging?

Possible reasons include a faulty alternator, battery issues, or problems with the charging system. Have the battery and charging system inspected if charging issues arise.

Can an auxiliary battery be recharged?

Yes, auxiliary batteries can be recharged. Use the vehicle’s alternator while driving or an external charger when stationary. Regular monitoring and proper charging systems are essential.

How do you charge an auxiliary battery while driving?

Install a battery isolator to separate primary and auxiliary batteries. Connect the extra battery to the alternator with a charging line. Consider adding solar panels for additional charging, especially when parked.

How to Replace the Aux Battery in your JL/JLU/JT the Easy Way!

How to Replace the Aux Battery

Final Words

The “Aux Switches Temporarily Unavailable Battery Charging” error is a signal from your Jeep’s electrical system, indicating potential issues that require attention. 

Regular maintenance and proactive measures play a crucial role in preserving the health of your Jeep’s electrical components, contributing to a smoother driving experience.

By understanding the reasons behind this error and implementing the suggested solutions, you can ensure the reliable performance of your Jeep and mitigate the risk of encountering similar issues in the future.

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