Uconnect Box Requires Service: 9 Tips to Solve This Issue

Make a Picture in your mind and think: you’re cruising in your new Jeep, and suddenly, bam. There’s a message on your dashboard saying, “Uconnect Box requires service. Please visit an authorized dealer.” Confusing, right? Especially when your car is practically brand new.

Now, this glitch usually happens for a bunch of reasons: maybe you need to download a security certificate, your telematics box is acting up, there’s a hiccup in the satellite-Jeep connection, the system is busy updating, or it’s on the lookout for a cell tower connection. 

It could also be that the software needs a minor update, your subscription is about to expire, or there’s a snag in the Uconnect box itself. Long story short, it’s more of a software thing than a physical part acting up.

So, you rush to the dealership, and they inspect your Jeep for days. And guess what? No problem. But here’s the twist—it’s a widespread issue linked to Uconnect 5 systems. 

Now, don’t worry. I’ve got your back. I’ll walk you through what this Uconnect box does and why it’s acting up in your Jeep. Plus, follow the steps I’ll share, and you’ll be the hero in solving this glitch in no time.

What Is the “Uconnect Box Requires Service” Error?

Sometimes, your car’s Uconnect system shows this message: “Uconnect Box requires service. Please visit an authorized dealer.” It happens randomly, like a surprise guest. You can see it many times daily or occasionally, like a rare visitor.

When you take your car to the mechanics at the dealership, they scratch their heads. Why? Because the error message doesn’t show up when you want it to, like a shy cat hiding when you call its name. It just randomly decides to pop up.

And here’s the weird thing – it’s not picky. It doesn’t need a particular situation to appear. It’s not like, “I’ll only show up if it’s raining on a Tuesday.” Nope, it just shows up whenever it feels like it. And it’s not influenced by the weather or where you are.

Here’s the deal: It’s not saying your radio is broken and needs fixing. The issue is with the Uconnect box, which chats with the car manufacturer. The Uconnect box is having trouble sending the right messages to the car maker, and it’s keeping that a bit of a secret. Tricky, huh?


Your fancy new car comes with an intelligent system called Uconnect. It lets you do cool stuff like starting and unlocking your car from far away, putting your destination into the navigation using your phone, and quickly calling for help with the press of a button.

Uconnect is an integrated infotainment system used in various vehicles, offering navigation, entertainment, communication, and telematics features. The system relies on hardware and software components, including the Uconnect Box, to deliver a seamless and connected driving experience.

Uconnect has lots of awesome perks, including a particular network. You can use voice commands to control music and apps, make calls, and send texts. Plus, Uconnect pairs up with SiriusXM Guardian so that you can stay connected to your Jeep in a new and excellent way.

Uconnect Box

The Uconnect Box is a critical component of the Uconnect system, responsible for handling telematics data, connecting to satellite signals, and facilitating communication between various vehicle systems. When users encounter the “Uconnect Box Requires Service” error, it indicates a problem with this essential module.

Alright, this box in your Jeep is called Uconnect and is tucked behind the fuse box under the driver’s side dash. It’s like the brain for cool stuff in your car, giving you things like navigation, music, hands-free calls, and even the power to start your vehicle remotely. This Uconnect box can also hook up to the internet for weather updates and traffic info.

If you ever see a message about the “Battery of Uconnect box is temporarily low” or “Battery of Uconnect Box requires service,” don’t stress—it’s a different issue. To fix that, you might need to change the batteries in the Uconnect box, charge them up, or swap out the whole package. Easy peasy!

Read also: Uconnect Update File Not Supported

What are the Reasons for the “Uconnect Box Requires Service” Error? What’s the Solution?

Have you ever seen the “Uconnect box requires service” error pop-up? It can be not very pleasant. Sometimes, it just disappears on its own after a few days, like magic. But other times, it just won’t budge. Here’s why it might stick around:

1. You Need a Security Certificate

A valid security certificate ensures secure communication between your vehicle and the Uconnect servers. If this certificate is missing or expired, it can trigger the “Uconnect Box Requires Service” error.

If your Telemetry Box Module (TBM) in your Jeep has trouble connecting to the server for the first time and shows an error like “Uconnect Box requires service. Please visit an authorized dealer,” don’t worry. We’ve got some steps to help you.

Firstly, make sure your Jeep can connect with the satellites. Your dealership can check if everything is good to go.

Now, let’s tackle that certificate download issue:

  • Reset the ECU and clear any stored DTCs.
  • Find a spot with a strong network and GPS signals for a solid connection.
  • Take a 5-7 km short drive and leave the ignition ON for 10-20 minutes.
  • Turn off the engine, then back ON. Check if the error message disappears.
  • If it’s still there, try a few more engine ON-OFF cycles.
  • After five cycles and the error persists, it’s time to contact your dealership and create a STAR case.
  • Lastly, check for stored DTCs and ensure the TBM connections, antenna, and jumper harness are good.

2. You Need to Replace the Telemetry Box Module

The telemetry box, a critical hardware component of the Uconnect Box, may malfunction or become damaged over time. Replacing this module can address hardware-related issues causing the error.

If you encounter the “Uconnect Box requires service” error message, try looking into the Telemetry box module. Give it a check. If it turns out that this module isn’t doing so well, just hang tight. Wait for the new module to arrive, swap it out with the old one, and voila! The error message should be gone, and your Uconnect app will reconnect with your car.

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3. Your Car Can’t Get a Satellite Signal

A stable satellite signal is crucial for the proper functioning of the Uconnect system. Obstructions or signal interference can lead to the error. Checking and improving satellite signal reception can be a solution.

Sometimes, your car might have trouble connecting to the cell network because of a weak signal. This is probably causing a glitch with the satellite and truck system. You can park your car in an open area with a clear view of the sky, keep the ignition on, and wait about 20-30 minutes. This gives the system time to update or find a better cell signal. After that, the error message should disappear.

4. You Need a Software Update

Outdated software can result in compatibility issues and system errors. Regularly updating the Uconnect software ensures the system functions optimally and helps prevent the “Uconnect Box Requires Service” error. First, check if there’s a software update for your car.

If your Telemetry module is all good, but your car missed the update, here’s the fix. Usually, you’d get a pop-up saying there’s a software update available. Go ahead and do the update, and that pesky message should stop bothering you. If you need help, your neighborhood dealers can also handle it by connecting your car to their computer with a wire.

5. Your Telematics Box Needs an Update

Similar to software updates, the telematics box firmware may require periodic updates. Keeping this component up to date is essential for seamless integration with the Uconnect system.

On March 25, 2022, your car’s telematics box got a cool over-the-air update. No worries if you didn’t see a message on your radio about it! Just swing by your dealership, and they’ll get you sorted if you’re still dealing with the “Uconnect Box requires service” thing. They’ve got your back! 🚗🔧

6. Your Radio Needs an Update

The Uconnect system often integrates with the vehicle’s radio. Updating the radio firmware can resolve issues related to communication between the Uconnect Box and the radio.

If your car radio isn’t working right, it might need an update. Take your vehicle to the service center, have them look at the radio, and see if it needs an update. If that doesn’t do the trick, they might need to replace the radio

7. Your Uconnect Subscription Has Expired

Certain Uconnect features and services are subscription-based. If your subscription has expired, renewing it is necessary to eliminate the error and restore full functionality.

If your Uconnect subscription has run out and you decide to renew it, don’t expect it to work immediately. Uconnect needs some time on their end to restart the Connect services.

If you’re experiencing the “Unconnect box error, see authorized dealer” message, and both the SOS and ASSIST buttons aren’t doing their job, call Uconnect. 

Let them know about the issues, and the Uconnect team will sort things out with an update. After that, you shouldn’t be bothered by that error message anymore.

8. You Need to Replace Your Uconnect Box

You Need to Replace Your Uconnect Box

If all else fails, a faulty Uconnect Box may need replacement. This step should be taken after thorough diagnostics and troubleshooting to confirm that the box is the source of the error.

If you’re still seeing the “Uconnect box requires service” error and nothing seems to fix it, it’s probably a good idea to install a new Uconnect system. But before you go that route:

  1. Take out the radio unit and look closely at the wiring and cables.
  2. Remove the glovebox and ensure the connectors on the back of the Uconnect radio are securely plugged in. Once you do this, those annoying pop-up messages should stop bothering you.

read also: ACC FCW Unavailable Service Required

9. You Need to Reset the System

If you want to start fresh with your device, you can do a factory reset. To do that, just follow these steps:

Soft Reset

Performing a soft reset involves restarting the Uconnect system without affecting critical settings. This can help resolve minor glitches and communication issues.

Okay, first, turn off your car. Then, leave the driver’s side door open for around 30 seconds. Now, close the door and restart your vehicle. See if the Uconnect system has reset.

Hard Reset

A hard reset involves powering off the vehicle thoroughly, allowing for a system reboot. It can be effective in addressing persistent software or communication issues.

  1. Start up your ride.
  2. Find that Uconnect screen.
  3. Hold down the power/volume button for around 10 seconds.
  4. Let the system do its shutdown thing.
  5. Give it a few seconds, then turn off your car.
  6. Keep the driver’s side door open for about half a minute.
  7. Close the door and fire up your vehicle again.

Battery Disconnect

Disconnecting the vehicle’s battery can force a complete system reset. 

This method helps resolve complex software-related problems.

  • Pop the hood and find the negative side of your car battery (usually marked with a minus sign).
  • Loosen that terminal a bit—this is the black cable. Take it off and let it chill for around 15 minutes.
  • Put the black cable back where it belongs and tighten it up. You’re good to go.

Factory Reset

As a last resort, a factory reset returns the Uconnect system to its default settings. This should only be done after exhausting other troubleshooting steps, as it erases all user preferences and settings. Just a heads up, be careful with this trick because it could wipe out your personalized settings.

  1. Head over to Uconnect system settings.
  2. Scroll down until you find the factory reset option. It could be hiding under “System” or “Settings” in the menu.
  3. Give it the green light by pressing Yes.

Pros of Uconnect Telematics System

The Uconnect Telematics System, with its integrated features and connectivity, offers a range of benefits that users should consider. Below, we explore the pros to provide a comprehensive overview of the Uconnect experience.

1. Seamless Integration

Uconnect integrates various functions, including navigation, entertainment, and communication, providing users with a unified and user-friendly experience.

2. Advanced Telematics Capabilities

The telematics capabilities of Uconnect enable features such as vehicle tracking, maintenance alerts, and remote diagnostics, enhancing overall vehicle management.

3. Intuitive User Interface

The system boasts an intuitive and responsive user interface, making it easy for drivers and passengers to access and control different features with minimal effort.

4. Regular Software Updates

Uconnect frequently releases software updates, ensuring users benefit from the latest features, security patches, and performance improvements.

5. Diverse Entertainment Options

Uconnect offers various entertainment options, including streaming services, radio, and connectivity to external devices, catering to varied preferences.

6. Voice Recognition

The inclusion of advanced voice recognition technology allows users to control various functions hands-free, contributing to a safer driving experience.

7. Enhanced Connectivity

Uconnect provides robust connectivity options, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi hotspot capability, and smartphone integration, keeping users connected on the go.

8. Emergency Assistance

In the event of an accident, Uconnect can automatically initiate emergency services, providing an added layer of safety for drivers and passengers.

Cons of Uconnect Telematics System

Cons of Uconnect Telematics System

The Uconnect Telematics System, with its integrated features and connectivity, offers a range of drawbacks that users should consider. Below, we explore the cons to provide a comprehensive overview of the Uconnect experience

1. Subscription Costs

While Uconnect offers various services, some advanced features and telematics capabilities may require a subscription, leading to additional user costs.

2. Potential Software Glitches

Uconnect is susceptible to occasional software glitches that may impact performance, requiring troubleshooting and updates like any complex system.

3. Hardware Reliability

The reliability of the Uconnect Box and associated hardware components can be a concern, with malfunctions potentially leading to system errors and service interruptions.

4. Learning Curve

For some users, especially those unfamiliar with advanced infotainment systems, there may be a learning curve to utilize all the features offered by Uconnect fully.

5. Satellite Signal Dependency

Certain functionalities of Uconnect, such as navigation and real-time tracking, rely on a stable satellite signal. Signal issues in remote areas can affect performance.

6. Limited Third-Party App Support

While Uconnect supports various apps, the range may be limited compared to other platforms, potentially limiting customization options for some users.

7. Compatibility with Older Vehicles

Newer Uconnect features may not be fully compatible with older vehicle models, limiting the accessibility of certain functionalities for some users.

8. Privacy Concerns

Collecting telematics data for features like vehicle tracking may raise privacy concerns for some users, necessitating careful consideration of data usage policies.

read also: ACC FCW Limited Functionality

Answers To Key Questions

What is the Uconnect box?

The Uconnect box is a connected car technology that is the central hub for various in-car features and services. It enables your vehicle’s connectivity, entertainment, navigation, and other intelligent functions.

What are the Uconnect services?

Uconnect services include various features such as navigation, entertainment, communication, and connectivity. Some standard services may include voice commands, smartphone integration, in-car Wi-Fi, remote start, emergency assistance, and more.

How do I update my Uconnect box?

To update your Uconnect box, follow these general steps:

  1. Ensure your vehicle is in a location with a stable internet connection.
  2. Go to the Uconnect website or use the Uconnect app.
  3. Check for available updates for your specific vehicle model.
  4. Download the update onto a USB drive if required.
  5. Insert the USB drive into the Uconnect system in your vehicle and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the update.

Is Uconnect service free?

Uconnect services often have a complimentary trial period when purchasing a new vehicle. However, some features may require a subscription or renewal for continued access after the trial period. Check with your vehicle manufacturer or the Uconnect website for specific details on subscription plans and pricing.

How do you reset the Uconnect box?

To reset the Uconnect box, you can try the following steps:

  1. Locate the Uconnect system in your vehicle.
  2. Press and hold the power button for about 10 seconds until the system shuts down.
  3. Wait for a few moments, then turn the system back on.

Alternatively, consult your vehicle’s user manual or contact the manufacturer’s support for specific instructions on resetting the Uconnect system for your particular model.

Final Words

The Uconnect box requires service errors that can stem from various sources, from software issues to hardware malfunctions. By systematically addressing each potential cause and following the recommended solutions, users can restore their Uconnect system to optimal functionality. 

If uncertainties persist, consulting with a professional technician or contacting Uconnect customer support is advisable to ensure a comprehensive resolution of the error.

If you’re dealing with the Uconnect box requires service” or “Uconnect box error, see authorized dealer” message, no worries – the Jeep folks are on it. They’re aware of a software issue and are cooking up a fix. Your telematics box module (TBM) will get an incredible over-the-air update soon.

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