What is the Jeep Wave? Jeep Hand Signs and Rules!

Oh, the Jeep wave! It’s like a secret handshake for Jeep owners, making the road feel like one big Jeep family picnic

So, Imagine this: You’re cruising in your Jeep Wrangler, wind in your hair, and suddenly, another Jeep rolls by. What do you do? WAVE! It’s a thing—a Jeep thing. But there’s a twist  the one with the newer Jeep initiates the wave, giving a nod to those Jeeping it old school.

And no, it’s not some official programme; that’s a different Jeep Wave—we spilled the deets on that in another post.

Now, here’s the cool part – the dirtier, the better! In the Jeep world, mud is like a badge of honor. Dirty Jeeps get more respect; it’s a fact. Clean ones? Well, they’re a bit less cool. And if your Jeep is all decked out for offroading, oh boy, you’re like the king or queen of the Jeep Wave Hierarchy.

The Jeep wave is a simple but meaningful gesture shared by Jeep drivers. It usually involves a wave or a raised hand when they cross paths on the road. This uncomplicated action symbolizes a shared love for the Jeep brand and the adventurous spirit it represents.

The Jeep Wave – This History Behind it:

Buckle up for the three different tales behind the birth of the Jeep Wave:

World War II: Back in the day, during World War II, savvy servicemen allegedly kicked off the Jeep wave. Picture this – Jeeps, not just for cool rides but for serious military duties. Soldiers used the wave to tell friends from foes. The United States, along with Allied forces like Canada, Australia, Britain, and New Zealand, all hopped on the Jeep wagon for military tasks.

After World War II: Post-war, soldiers who had a thing for their Jeeps brought the wave to civilian life. Imagine owning your trusty Jeep after World War II and giving a nod to a fellow owner, suspecting they might’ve worn a uniform too. Fast forward to today, and the Jeep wave still rolls as a salute to veterans from that era.

The 1970s: Now, let’s jump to the groovy ’70s. After American Motors Corporation (AMC) snagged Jeeps and started churning them out for civilians, a new wave emerged. Civilian Jeepers, hitting the off-road trails for fun, birthed the wave to acknowledge their shared passion for adventure on four wheels.

So there you have it three possible tales of how the Jeep Wave became the cool tradition it is today. Whether born out of wartime camaraderie or the thrill of off-road escapades, one thing’s for sure – it’s a Jeep thing, and we’re all just waving in it!

Jeep Hand Signs

Jeep Hand Signs

If you’ve had the pleasure of owning a Jeep, particularly a Wrangler or CJ, chances are you’re familiar with the “Jeep Wave.” It’s a gesture of unity, ranging from a subtle lift of a finger or two above the dashboard to a more elaborate five-finger wave out of the driver’s window.

It’s time to dive deep into the art of Jeep hand signals. Let’s decode these cool moves from the image above and figure out the perfect moments to unleash them:

  • The Classic Wave: Give this friendly salute on the windshield when you spot a fellow Jeeper cruising by.
  • The Deuces: Flash the peace sign on the windshield to spread good vibes to your fellow Jeep comrades.
  • Thank God for Jeeps: Express your gratitude to the Windshield for the awesome Jeep life you’re living.
  • The Prius: Confuse those non-Jeep drivers by throwing the classic shoulder shrug on the windshield.
  • Ageless Howdy: Give a cowboy-worthy nod on the steering to Jeepers of all ages.
  • Just Chilling: Show your laid-back vibes on the steering for a cool Jeep connection.
  • Who Dat Was!: Raise an eyebrow on the steering wheel when you’re not quite sure who just passed by.
  • Floor Border: Stamp your foot on the steering for a Jeep signal that’s grounded and ready for adventure.
  • The Polly: Flaunt this tropical move on the doorless Jeep to celebrate the carefree Jeep life.
  • You Good! I’m Good: Give a thumbs up on the doorless Jeep to check in and let your fellow Jeeper know you’re all good.
  • The Shooter: Bust out a double-handed point on the doorless Jeep to direct attention to the Jeep goodness.
  • Naked Aussie: Show some love to your Aussie mates on the doorless Jeep and keep the international Jeep bond strong.

So, there you have it a guide to Jeep sign language! Next time you hit the road, throw the right sign to your fellow Jeepers and keep the Jeep wave alive.

Jeep Wave Rules

Jeep Wave RulesExplanation
1. The Newbie Nod:As the proud owner of a shiny, new Jeep, take the initiative to wave first. It’s a gesture of acknowledgment to the seasoned Jeepers who have been cruising the trails longer.
2. Old School Salute:If you’re cruising in a vintage or classic Jeep, expect the newbies to initiate the wave. It’s a respectful nod, recognizing your commitment to keeping the timeless Jeep spirit alive.
3. Off-Road Royalty:Muddy and proud? You’re the king or queen of the Jeep hierarchy. Off-roaders take the lead in the waves, so throw that salute with pride and acknowledge your fellow off-road royalty.
4. Clean Machine Courtesy:If your Jeep is gleaming and spotless, get ready for nods from the off-road legends. They appreciate the effort it takes to keep a Jeep clean and shiny, and it’s a recognition of your commitment to maintaining a pristine machine.
5. Jeep Mod Squad:Sporting off-road enhancements? Get ready for some serious Jeep street cred. The modded Jeeps command respect from all corners, and fellow Jeepers will acknowledge your commitment to enhancing the Jeep experience.
6. Window Waving Wisdom:In the classic windshield wave, remember: the higher, the better. It’s not just a friendly gesture; it’s a subtle indicator of your Jeep hierarchy. Master the art of the windshield wave to communicate your Jeep status in just a few seconds.
7. Doorless Jeep Diplomacy:If you’re enjoying the open-air freedom of a doorless Jeep, you’re in a league of your own. Exchange waves with fellow doorless daredevils, creating a bond that solidifies your place in the open-air elite of the Jeep community.
8. Wave Back Wisdom:Don’t forget the golden rule – always wave back. Whether you’re a new Jeep owner or a seasoned off-roader, reciprocating the wave is a crucial part of the Jeep family tradition. Every wave counts toward fostering camaraderie and keeping the spirit of the Jeep community alive and thriving.

Navigating the road in true Jeep style involves understanding these unwritten Jeep wave rules. Whether you’re a proud newbie, a classic aficionado, an off-road champion, or part of the Jeep mod squad, there’s a wave for everyone. So, wave on, fellow Jeepers!

Jeep Owners Are Responsible For Continuing The Jeep Wave

Jeep Owners Are Responsible

So, you’ve got your hands on a Jeep, and now you’re part of the exclusive Jeep Wave club. The thing is, it’s not a sign-up-and-forget kind of deal; it’s a dynamic social exchange among Jeep owners. As you hit the road in your trusty Jeep, here’s the lowdown on keeping the Jeep Wave alive and well.

  • Jeep Wave Hierarchy in Action
  • No Sign-Up Needed
  • Keep the Culture Alive
  • Jeep Wave Merch Magic
  • Be the Wave Ambassador

Jeep Wave Hierarchy in Action

Imagine this: You’re cruising in your Jeep, and another Jeep comes into view. It’s Jeep wave time! Quickly assess the situation, determine your Jeep Wave hierarchy, and throw that wave. If they wave first, it’s a no-brainer – wave back. It’s a spontaneous ritual, a Jeep owner’s unspoken code.

No Sign-Up Needed

Here’s the beauty of it there’s no formal sign-up for the Jeep Wave. You don’t need a membership card or an exclusive invite. It’s a simple, genuine exchange between Jeep enthusiasts on the open road.

Keep the Culture Alive

Want to go the extra mile? Consider donning some Jeep Wave apparel. Deck yourself out with slogans and symbols that scream, “I’m all about the Jeep Wave!” It’s not just fashion; it’s a statement. By wearing your Jeep Wave pride, you contribute to raising awareness and keeping the rich traditions and customs of the Jeep Wave alive.

Jeep Wave Merch Magic

Explore the world of Jeep Wave merchandise. From clothing to accessories, there’s a plethora of items that showcase your commitment to the Jeep Wave culture. It’s more than just gear; it’s a movement, and each piece you wear becomes a symbol of your connection to the global Jeep family.

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Be the Wave Ambassador

Whether you’re a seasoned Jeeper or a fresh face in the community, be an ambassador for the Jeep Wave. Encourage fellow Jeep owners to embrace the tradition, share the joy of the wave, and keep the spirit thriving. After all, it’s the collective effort of Jeep enthusiasts that makes the Jeep Wave a unique and cherished experience.

So, there you have it – the Jeep Wave isn’t just a wave; it’s a culture and a way of life for Jeep owners. Embrace it, share it, and keep the Jeep Wave rolling down the road.

Understand the Jeep Wave Hierarchy

Understand the Jeep Wave Hierarchy

In the world of Jeep waves, not every wave is created equal. There’s a subtle hierarchy at play, and it’s a mix of Jeep model years, on-road/off-road habits, and the mods your Jeep flaunts. Let’s break it down:

Model year matters

  • Your Jeep’s birth year is a wave factor. Check out the hierarchy based on model years:
    • Pre CJ: 30 Points
    • Pre AMC CJ: 27 Points
    • CJ: 25 Points
    • YJ (Year 86-96): 16 Points
    • TJ (Year 97-06): 15 Points
    • JK (Year 2007 – Date): 14 Points

On-Road/Off-Road Habits

How you handle your Jeep on and off the beaten path is another layer. Off-roaders often get an extra nod in the wave hierarchy for embracing the true Jeep spirit.

Mods Speak Louder

Mods Speak Louder

Mods to your Jeep are like badges of honor. The more enhancements, the higher your score on the Jeep Wave Hierarchy. It’s the ultimate visual representation of your commitment to the Jeep lifestyle.

The Jeep Wave Calculator

For the meticulous Jeeper, there’s the Jeep Wave Calculator. It’s like a scorecard for your Jeep, factoring in all the details. The higher your score, the higher you rank on the Jeep Wave Hierarchy. It’s a nifty tool, but we get that calculating on the fly isn’t everyone’s jam.

Understanding Your Score

  • Don’t fret if you’re not into crunching numbers mid-drive. We’ve got a handy table to simplify things:
    • Pre CJ: 30 Points
    • Pre AMC CJ: 27 Points
    • CJ: 25 Points
    • YJ (Year 86-96): 16 Points
    • TJ (Year 97-06): 15 Points
    • JK (Year 2007 – Date): 14 Points

So, there you have it a glimpse into the intricate world of the Jeep Wave Hierarchy. Whether you’re a classic CJ owner or rocking a modern JK, understanding the hierarchy adds a touch of finesse to your next Jeep wave encounter.

Jeep owners with the lowest score have to initiate the Jeep wave

Let’s talk about the unspoken rules of the road. If you find yourself with the lowest score in the Jeep Wave Hierarchy, fear not, you’re the initiator! Here’s how it rolls:

 Lowest Score, Highest Enthusiasm

If your Jeep is rocking the lowest score on the Jeep Wave Hierarchy, it’s your time to shine. Take the lead and initiate the wave as you cruise by another Jeep.

Keep It Cool, Keep It Going

Throw that Jeep wave with enthusiasm, but remember, not every wave gets an instant reply. The other Jeep might return the gesture, ignore it, or maybe they’re a bit slow on the Jeep wave uptake.

 Persistence Pays Off

Even if your first attempt doesn’t get an immediate response, don’t give up. Keep the Jeep wave spirit alive by persistently initiating waves until you get that nod of acknowledgment.

Passed by? No Problem

In some cases, the other Jeep might pass by before they catch your wave. No worries! You did your part. The Jeep wave is about spreading the love, and even if it takes a moment, your Jeep wave initiative might just make their day.

Return the Wave

Now, here’s the sweet part. If you find yourself on the receiving end of a Jeep wave, it’s your turn to return the favor. Keep the tradition alive by acknowledging your fellow Jeepers on the road.

So, whether you’re the Jeep with the lowest score or the king of the Jeep Wave Hierarchy, remember that the Jeep wave is a shared experience. Keep waving, keep smiling, and keep the Jeep spirit rolling down the road!

Jeep owners must return the wave

Attention, fellow Jeep owners! Here’s the golden rule of the road – if you didn’t kick off the Jeep Wave, it’s your duty to return it! Let’s break it down:

Acknowledge the gesture

Whether you’re lost in thought or enjoying the tunes, if another Jeep owner initiated the Jeep Wave, it’s time to snap back to road reality. Acknowledge the gesture with a swift and friendly wave.

It’s a Jeep family tradition

Returning the Jeep Wave isn’t just a choice; it’s a tradition. It’s the heartbeat of the Jeep community, a way to say, “Hey, we’re part of the same adventurous family.”

Keep the camaraderie alive

The beauty of the Jeep Wave is in its simplicity. It’s a quick exchange that creates a sense of camaraderie among Jeep enthusiasts. By returning the wave, you contribute to keeping this spirit alive and thriving.

 Wave Back, Spread the Joy

Your wave back isn’t just a casual hand lift; it’s a continuation of the shared joy of being a Jeep owner. Spread the good vibes, make a fellow Jeeper’s day, and revel in the unique connection that comes with the Jeep Wave.

It’s Jeep Courtesy

Think of it as a form of Jeep courtesy. Just as you’d hold the door open for someone, returning the Jeep Wave is a courteous nod to your fellow adventurers on the road.

So, whether you initiated the Jeep Wave or it came your way, remember the rule – always return the wave. It’s not just a tradition; it’s a celebration of the incredible bond shared by Jeep owners worldwide. Keep waving, keep cruising, and keep the Jeep spirit alive! 🚙👋

Our experience with the Jeep Wave!

Let’s take a laid-back drive through the world of the Jeep Wave. In Texas, it’s a waving party. It doesn’t matter if you’re driving a Jeep or not; everyone’s in on the fun. Houston? Well, waving is practically a tradition among Jeepers there, and waving back is just how things roll.

Michigan, is a place where nearly everyone, a whopping 90%, joins in on the Jeep wave fun! That’s some serious love for the Jeep spirit, making Michigan a real gem for Jeep enthusiasts.

But here’s a quirky twist Some Jeepers have a funny rule. They save their waves just for the modified rides. Stock Jeeps might not get the same warm welcome because, for this group, the true Jeep community vibe is all about lifted and customized machines.

Now, the hitch is that not everyone waves back. With a 60% success rate, your friendly wave might not always get a response. The suspects? Well, it seems like some women and owners of brand-new Jeeps might not catch the Jeep Wave groove right away.

And then there are the folks causing a bit of trouble in the Jeep Wave world. The first group includes those who get a Jeep but treat it like any old SUV, the “Soccer Mom and Mall Crawlers.” The second group, the extreme Jeepers, with their super-custom rides, sometimes think stock Jeeps don’t deserve a wave.

Cherokee – it used to be off the radar until a rock-crawling event in New Mexico changed everything. Now, every passing Cherokee gets a friendly wave.

So, the rule is simple wave at all Jeeps, especially the beloved Wranglers. No expectations, no hard feelings if the wave doesn’t bounce back. It’s all about soaking in every bit of Jeep Wave joy and being part of the lively Jeep community.


What are the rules for the Jeep wave?

The Jeep wave is a friendly gesture exchanged between Jeep owners as a sign of camaraderie. The basic rule is to wave at other Jeep drivers when you pass them on the road. It’s a simple way to acknowledge the shared love for Jeep culture.

What are the hand signals for the Jeep wave?

The Jeep wave doesn’t have specific hand signals, but it’s commonly a simple and casual wave. You can raise your fingers off the steering wheel or give a friendly nod. The key is to keep it easy-going and in the spirit of fun.

What does the handprint on Jeeps mean?

The handprint on Jeeps is often referred to as the “Jeep wave” handprint. It’s a symbolic mark left on a Jeep’s driver-side mirror as a way to participate in the Jeep wave tradition. Some consider it a badge of honor and a visual representation of being part of the Jeep community.

What is the Jeep wave tradition?

The Jeep wave tradition is a gesture of acknowledgment and solidarity among Jeep owners. It’s a way of saying, “Hey, we both drive Jeeps, and that’s pretty cool!” The tradition fosters a sense of community and connection among Jeep enthusiasts, making the driving experience more enjoyable.


If you’re one of the lucky ones cruising in a Jeep, fully immersed in the Jeep community, and passionate about the brand, here’s a call to action keep that Jeep Wave going! 🌟

Feel the vibe, spread the joy, and don’t forget to explore our other posts. We’ve got a treasure trove of content on Jeep parts, Jeep accessories, and helpful Jeep guides waiting for you.

Now, it’s your turn to share do you indulge in the Jeep Wave magic, and who’s on your wave radar? We’re curious about the kinds of Jeeps that catch your eye. Drop a comment below, and we’ll be right there to chat! Let the Jeep Wave conversations begin.

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